Artist’s Statement

To my mind, the natural world, being made up of all the same elements, provokes my awe from any vantage point. A magnifying glass aimed at a tuft of moss may reveal a miniscule fragment of snail shell, a bug leg, and a tiny flower blown in from miles away. The eye, later trained on a view of Saturn through a telescope, beholds all manner of space matter - as intricate and wondrous as the tuft of moss. My paintings attempt to provoke that realization in my audience - the awareness of a limitless world containing worlds. As a scientist turned artist, I find myself spending time in both the microcosm and the macrocosm. Working with acrylic paint and collage on large canvases, I attempt to illumine the long view - the macrocosm - while hinting at the wondrous intricacy, mystery, and web of connections within the microcosm.