“Extant” 60x48” Acrylic paint and collage on canvas.


I’ve heard that when you begin to dream in a new language, you’ve become fluent. I’m fluent in the language of science and of art technique - but there’s a third language I speak as well. It’s at the intersection of my primary two and cannot be spoken in words. I speak it in dreams, in meditation, and on a canvas. I love the natural world and the sky - zooming in and out from cellular intricacy through ecological systems, to the new world of space exploration. These paintings are not an attempt to describe any of those things, but rather what swirls onto the canvas as I contemplate them.

“Mossheart” 30x20” Acrylic paint and collage on canvas.

“Offworld” Diptych, 48x24“ Acrylic on canvas.

“Sputnik” 60x48” acrylic paint and collage on canvas.